Get treatment for your structural, emotional, & nutritional healthcare needs.

Our Services


Personalized wellness assessment and treatment using Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

At Phoenix Chiropractic, Dr. Nicole White aims to help all of her patients live the healthiest lives they can. In order to reach this goal, she offers a variety of services. She provides a health plan and the positive reinforcement you need to make positive lifestyle changes.

Dr. White works with patients all over the world. She is available for in-person and phone consultations, maintaining long distance patient services and provides short tonic visits with customized herbal blends.

photo of the physical form emphasizing spinal and skeletal health

Chiropractic Adjustments

Health Begins Here

Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the body’s main structures – the skeleton, the muscles and the nerves – and the patient’s health. Chiropractors improve and preserve health by making adjustments to these structures, particularly to the spinal column.

woman walking through a stone maze along the water

Applied Kinesiology

Whole Body Health

Applied kinesiology (AK), the study of body movement, which is also known as muscle testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment. Various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and specific muscle weakness signals internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances or other organ or gland problems. Dr. White helps correct the muscle weakness to promote healing the problem in the associated internal organ.

photo featuring six herb leaves representative of health and wellness

Customized Herbal Tonics

Health Begins Here

Dr. White custom blends an herbal tonics personalized for your body’s needs in specific ratios for you. She uses powerful organic herbs cultivated on the Standard Process Farm. They are unparalleled in their quality and potency.

stack of smooth stones  with blurred ocean in the background

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Letting Go

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an evidence-based self-help therapeutic method. Over 100 studies demonstrate to show its efficacy. As a quick and simple non-drug treatment, EFT is highly effective for anxiety, depression, addiction, anger issues and many other issues.

fresh colorful garden salad

Standard Process Supplement

Whole Body Nutrition and Support

“The best sources of vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods.”—Dr. Royal Lee

Since 1929, Standard Process has been dedicated to the field of nutritional supplements and the whole food philosophy introduced by Dr. Royal Lee. Dr. Lee’s goal was to provide nutrients as they are found in nature—in a whole food state where he believed their natural potency and efficacy would be realized.

Dr. White knows that optimal health is within reach for every person.  Given the right conditions, we can prevent illness and give our body what it needs to heal itself.  Through a personalized approach that includes achieving structural, nutritional and emotional balance, she focuses on treating the whole body and root causes of illness.

in fresh produce aisle of a grocery store

21 & 10 Day Standard Process Cleanses

Healthy Living

The Standard Process purification programs help purify, nourish, and maintain a healthy body and weight. Dr. White offers simple suggestions, delicious recipes, a comprehensive food list and many resources to make your cleanse as effective as possible.  We offer many different purification product kits based on the preferred protein and fiber choice.



Initial Consult

Personalized wellness assessment. A very thorough visit covering physical, nutritional, structural, and emotional health.


Applied Kinesiology

Muscle testing for food and environmental sensitivities.



Chiropractic adjustment customized to your needs.


Nutritional Counseling

Included in initial consultation and regular follow up appointments.


21 Day Purification Cleanse

21 Day Purification Cleanse


“My go-to whenever I feel a bug coming on, Nikki cuts my recovery time way down and I always feel comforted knowing my body is getting just what it needs to heal. Such a gift to Key West!”


Questions before getting started?
Get in touch.